CASA Testing Center Guidelines

If you have questions, send email to

There are no exceptions to any of the following rules.

How to Schedule for a Test

  1. Do Section 3 below.
  2. Look at the other sections below.
  3. Log into CCS (click here), navigate to your class, and use buttons B1 and B2.

Section 1. CASA Proctored Testing and Scheduling Process
Section 2. CASA Testing Locations

CASA Testing Center has two locations: Depending upon availability, your exam will be administered in one of these locations. On exam day, you must know which center has your exam. If you go to the wrong center, you may not have time to correct the error and will be unable to take your exam. You will see the name of the Testing Center when you schedule your reservation.

Section 3. You must register in-person in CASA before the exam date

Section 4. What To Do if You Miss Your Exam Reservation Time or if You Do Not Make your Reservation Prior to Exam Day

Section 5. Other CASA Testing Center Policies